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Why do I need a will?

Why do I need a will? A very common question. It seems all too easy to shrug your shoulders and treat it like no big deal for a pair of very good reasons. One, you are not going to die anytime soon. Two, in the event that you do, it’s going to go to your […]

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What is a legal contract?

What is a legal contract? While that seems like a basic question, there is a world of difference between a contract how society sees it, and one that would constitute a legally binding agreement. Legal contracts can take many shapes or forms, including domestic contracts, insurance contracts, business contracts, etc. Sometimes these can be extremely […]

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What are the elements of a criminal defence?

What are the elements of a criminal defence? Every crime in Canada is made up of two elements: the Actus Reus and the Mens Rea. These are Latin for a guilty act and a guilty mind. The crown will need to prove both of these beyond a reasonable doubt in order to secure a conviction. […]

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What steps do you take before finalizing a divorce?

What steps do you take before finalizing a divorce? While the stats may vary year to year, divorce among every demographic is very common. Many couples are quick to call it quits, even though divorce is supposed to be a last-ditch decision for those in a troubled marriage. Huffington Post cites communication problems as the […]

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How can you enforce a support payment?

How can you enforce a support payment? A spouse or parent may have to pay support because of a court order or separation agreement, but may not pay the support as required. When the payor stops making payments, a debt begins to accumulate to the recipient. A court order for the payment of support is […]

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What is a domestic contract?

What is a domestic contract? A domestic contract, much like any contract, is entered into by two individuals to regulate or settle issues between them. As the name implies, domestic contracts regulate family matters. It is not necessary for the parties to be married, or indeed to even be together. For example a domestic contract […]

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Why would a startup decide to incorporate?

Why would a startup decide to incorporate? Today, an entire industry revolves around corporate structuring, asset protection and tax planning to ensure individuals are removed as far as possible from findings of personal liability, while at the same time, lawfully reducing or deferring tax obligations.  More specifically, there are three main reasons start-ups decide to […]

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How much spousal support do I actually have to pay?

How much spousal support do I actually have to pay? This is a common question that is asked after or even during the divorce proceedings. In Ontario, every spouse has the right to first support themselves, before they consider other obligations such as spousal support. There is an obligation for spouses to support each other […]

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